authelia storage user identifiers generate

authelia storage user identifiers generate

Generate opaque identifiers in bulk


Generate opaque identifiers in bulk.

This subcommand allows various options for generating the opaque identifies for users in bulk.

authelia storage user identifiers generate [flags]


authelia storage user identifiers generate --users john,mary
authelia storage user identifiers generate --users john,mary --services openid
authelia storage user identifiers generate --users john,mary --services openid --sectors=",,"
authelia storage user identifiers generate --users john,mary --services openid --sectors=",," --config config.yml
authelia storage user identifiers generate --users john,mary --services openid --sectors=",," --encryption-key b3453fde-ecc2-4a1f-9422-2707ddbed495 postgres --postgres.password autheliapw


  -h, --help               help for generate
      --sectors strings    The list of sectors to generate identifiers for
      --services strings   The list of services to generate the opaque identifiers for, valid values are: openid (default [openid])
      --users strings      The list of users to generate the opaque identifiers for

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config strings                         configuration files or directories to load, for more information run 'authelia -h authelia config' (default [configuration.yml])
      --config.experimental.filters strings    list of filters to apply to all configuration files, for more information run 'authelia -h authelia filters'
      --encryption-key string                  the storage encryption key to use
      --mysql.database string                  the MySQL database name (default "authelia") string                      the MySQL hostname
      --mysql.password string                  the MySQL password
      --mysql.port int                         the MySQL port (default 3306)
      --mysql.username string                  the MySQL username (default "authelia")
      --postgres.database string               the PostgreSQL database name (default "authelia") string                   the PostgreSQL hostname
      --postgres.password string               the PostgreSQL password
      --postgres.port int                      the PostgreSQL port (default 5432)
      --postgres.schema string                 the PostgreSQL schema name (default "public")
      --postgres.ssl.certificate string        the PostgreSQL ssl certificate file location
      --postgres.ssl.key string                the PostgreSQL ssl key file location
      --postgres.ssl.mode string               the PostgreSQL ssl mode (default "disable")
      --postgres.ssl.root_certificate string   the PostgreSQL ssl root certificate file location
      --postgres.username string               the PostgreSQL username (default "authelia")
      --sqlite.path string                     the SQLite database path